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Essential Employment Guidelines That You Need to Know

Canada happens to be a great place where you can open a business, Ottawa being one of the friendly business municipalities where a business can thrive. With the high population, you are assured of a good workforce and all you need to have next is suitable employment regulations that would govern your workplace. We are going to list them here and discuss, keep reading so that you can see a breakdown of what is needed of you.

The first one is the overtime pay whenever an employee description actually fits the criteria that have been set out. Have an attendance list at the entrance and exit so that an employee will indicate the time that they signed in and out so that it can have a good record every week. There is a need to ensure that they have been made proper payments that will help make clarifications on payments every two weeks on a 1.5 rate for the hours that are worked in a week.

It is appropriate for an employee who is pregnant to obtain a leave if they have been protected by ESA. You will need to know that the contract terms, in this case, will still apply, for the employees that work full time, permanent or if they are part-time employees. If an employee qualifies, they will be entitled to a 17 weeks leave with no pay, it, however, may be extended depending on the circumstance. You need to learn that parental leave is very essential and can cover all parents for a period of 60 to 63 weeks accordingly.

If you are ending a contract due to some reasons here and there, you need to notify only those employees whom you have worked with more than three months duration. You need to have a notice issued but not necessarily a reason for terminating the contract according to ESA. The compensation can only be sought by those who have worked for more than five years, it is calculated by multiplying the weekly salary by the number of years that the employee has worked. To make it easy in the future, having a paystub generator would make things easy, check out here on this website.

When it comes to vacation leaves you need to know that all the employees who have stayed for more than four years will be subjected to a leave of not more than two weeks. If you have employees whom you have worked with for more than five years, you need to offer them a three weeks holiday. For those employees who have been working for more than five years, you need to offer them 6% and those below the five years can be given 4% accordingly. You have now familiarized with the employment laws, you should keep them at your fingertips to avoid the long arm of the government.

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