How to Pass a Hair Drug Test
The marijuana has been approved in most of the US states because of its medicinal purpose but however no employer will take you for the job if you have the strains of the substances in your body. In case you have been taking this drug you might be at risk of losing the job because the results will show that. However there are different ways of doing the drug test which includes the blood test, urine test, and the hair follicle test. Many companies choose to conduct the follicle drug test because of its effectiveness in providing results of up to 90 days. Therefore the possibility of passing the test is very low and sometimes impossible. Read this site to the last word if you are worried about how you will manage to pass the upcoming hair drug test.
First, you need to know the factors that determine how long the marijuana traces remain in your body. Your metabolism and diet, fat levels, quantity smoked, exercise and sweat are some of the factors that influence how fast or slowly the marijuana will clear from your body.
Make sure that you clear your blood and hair naturally. You should understand that the hair gets the traces of marijuana through the blood and therefore if you detox your blood then your growing hair will be free from the drug strains. From that, make sure that you reinforce your cleaning with diet and supplements. If you take much water you will increase your sweat rate which works positively to the process. You can see page for more details on the hair drug test.
The other way to pass the hair drug test is by the macujo method. There are people that have witnessed the success of the Macujo method for a hair drug test but to others, it failed. You need to know that the choice of shampoo and the amount of marijuana in the blood can affect the expected results. The first step for this method is to quit smoking. If you want you can resume after you have passed the test. Secondly you will have to wet the hair. The third step is to apply the Heinz vinegar on the scalp and spread evenly. Then add another clear mixture to the hair and scalp and do the same as in step three. After the fourth step, the other steps includes given the mixture about 30 minutes before you wash it with the Nexus Aloe Rid shampoo and later tide liquid laundry detergent.
If you want to buy quality supplements for the method you can shop nowhere.